Twice a year the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) hold a public and members vote, from which conservation projects around the world can apply to receive funding to help their cause. From each voting session (spring and autumn) three organisations will then receive funds from EOCA to further their projects and help key environmental / conservational causes.
The submitted projects are split into three categories: Landscape & Wildlife, Mountain & Forest, and, Plastic Clean Up.
Nikwax, as a member of EOCA, is proud to have nominated the following project to have the chance to win vital funds within the autumn public vote.
Please can you take a moment to read the project detail below and then click HERE to give them your vote! Voting is open 7th – 21st October 2019
Organisation: Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC).
FPWC works for wildlife protection, environmental education and sustainable development, engaging rural populations in the sustainable development of their communities.
Their project:
The Syrian Brown Bear has been the victim of uncontrolled hunting, trapping and persecution since the break-up of the Soviet Union, which has rapidly driven down its numbers as well as populations of many other species. FPWC privately protects about 30,000 hectares of land, creating a buffer zone near the main reserve of Armenia, Khosrov and safe corridors for wild animals’ passage.

FPWC, in cooperation with International Animal Rescue, started the first centre in the country that rehabilitates and eventually releases rescued captive bears back into the wild. The population of the species is now growing and the project will be working on finding solutions to prevent human-bear conflict, restoring habitat destroyed by illegal logging and forest fires, planting native fruit seedlings outside conflict zones, in order to keep bears away from areas of habitation. The project will also investigate the conflict cases, map the conflict zones and install mobile electric fences in the most vulnerable places, run anti-poaching / logging patrols and encourage hiking, biking and wildlife watching activities as well as visits to the bear rescue centre.