Reforestation of the Indri Lemur Habitat and Development of an Amphibian Trail around the Mitsinjo and Torotorofotsy Reserves, Madagascar.
Nikwax is proud to nominate this project for the chance for it to receive a grant from the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) in their yearly project funding scheme. The public vote is live now and we urge you to help us by learning about the project below and then placing your vote (link at the bottom). Help us to help others. Vote closes 22nd October 2018.
Using an integrated, long-term approach, Money for Madagascar helps people to transform their lives and restore their environment in a sustainable way.
The Mitsinjo Rainforest Reserve is home to a unique range of geographically endemic biodiversity which includes the Indri lemur. It needs a territory of 7ha to sustain its varied herbivorous diet comprising over 40 species of plant. This specific diet makes them hard to breed in captivity yet destruction of their habitat has reduced their numbers down to just 9 families in the Mantadia / Torotorofotsy area. The main threats are habitat destruction due to slash & burn agriculture, firewood and timber collection and sapphire miners hunting the lemur for food. Urgent action is needed to protect and restore the Lemur’s threatened rainforest habitat by joining up isolated pockets of forest. This project will reforest 20ha of primary forest by planting wildlife corridors of 24,000 trees consisting of over 60 native species. 4km of existing rough trails and the creation of 4km of new trails will take visitors into the forest to a hidden lake, to see the wide range of birds and amphibians. Improved guided tours will increase numbers of tourists visiting, and training in responsible agriculture and alternative incomes will reduce the need for families living around the forest to engage in slash and burn agriculture.
Please help and place your vote HERE