We at Nikwax know that outdoor adventurers come in all ages and sizes AND that keeping all those little fast-growing trail-monsters outfitted can be both a logistical and an economic challenge. Then there’s the environmental impact of discarding all those tiny boots and mittens! Not to worry, parents, Nikwax can help!

Never again worry about accepting those hand-me-down boots from the lady at work or wonder how much life is REALLY left in that little jacket you picked up at the thrift store. Nikwax makes all sorts of products that can breathe new life into tired outdoor gear and help it last long enough to pass down to the next kid in line. We’ll help you clean and waterproof footwear to extend the life of your family’s shoes and ensure that they don’t have to be replaced as often. Our Glove Proof will keep everyone’s hands dry during your adventures, and help make those gloves last long enough to be handed down.

Make sure to regularly clean your family’s outerwear too! Regular cleaning alone can do wonders for extending the life and performance of your outdoor gear! Use products like TX. Direct, Softshell Proof, and Polar Proof to replenish or add durable water repellency (DWR) to your outerwear and make older items perform like new ones.

It’s easy! With proper care, outdoor gear can last much, much longer, saving your family money and preventing those items from piling up in the landfill. We apologize in advance to the baby – see that jacket on your big brother? That will be yours some day! Wear it well, kid…

Stay Dry out there!
~The Nikwax Team